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Andrew Lambeth
Monk Fish (print)


Signed Limited Edition print. Only 25 produced.


Andrew Lambeth

We are pleased to welcome Andrew Lambeth to The Wallington Gallery.
Andrew was born in the 1970's, being brought up in a West Yorkshire mining town when times were tough, but very family orientated.

His Father was employed at the pit, and both his parents worked hard to put food on the table. Despite the difficulties of life they created only happy memories of childhood , and this is a contrast that he tries to transfer to the canvas.

At first glance his paintings have a friendly, almost dreamy feel to them, but often portray the monotony of everyday life, and closer inspection will often reveal dour subjects struggling their way through life.

Andrew has been painting since receiving a water colour painting set as a gift when he was very young, and it has been in his blood ever since. He has sold work through a number of galleries over the years, with the last one being the Village Gallery in York      In 2018 he had a very successful solo exhibition at Traenerhus in Hull's Old Town."

Other paintings by this artist:

  • High Heels and Ferris Wheels
  • Pension Day
  • Tomora's Sunday
  • High Heels and Ferris Wheels (print)
  • Pension Day (print)
  • Tomora's Sunday (print)
  • Light Load (print)
  • Fish Supper (print)
  • 88 (print)
  • Old Cow (print)

Artwork Tags: Northern Art | Print

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