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Anthony J. Hall

Anthony describes himself as a 'self taught artist'. He is a graduate of Graphic Design from Newcastle Polytechnic. Whilst working in London decided that this was not the career path he wished to follow and moved into teaching. In 2008, after the death of his mother, Anthony decided to concentrate on his art and quickly became established as a talented, up and coming artist. He has sold a number of his works both locally and nationally. He has a varied interest in the subjects he paints including landscape, marine, industrial scenes and abstract. Anthony grew up in the ship building area of Walker on Tyneside, Newcastle, and his series of paintings commemorating the ship building industry in Walker and Wallsend are outstanding. The shipbuilders featured in his paintings are based on relatives and characters who worked in the Neptune Yard, and those he observed whilst growing up in the area. The facial features, caught expertly, proving the hard outdoor working life most of these men endured during all kinds of weather. A breed of men we will probably never see again on Tyneside. Anthony has a bold style and his use of colour is striking. He is capable of painting most subjects injecting his own style, interpretation and humour into his work. An artist, I think, we will hear and see more of in the future!

Exhibited on 2 tours of the Northumberland Network Artist's Art Tours, 

The Biscuit Factory 'Nostalgia Exhibition' 2011

Other paintings by this artist:

  • Great North Run
  • Honest Toil
  • Going Home
  • Riggers
  • Shipyard Chancer
  • Coalmen
  • Yesterdays Gold
  • Into the Darkness
  • Hewer
  • Prop Fitter

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