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Typical of his style and subject another very tranquil scene with cows grazing in the Northumberland countryside.
Watercolour 12" x 19" signed
Of Scottish parentage, David Robertson was born in Darlington, County Durham, but lived from his childhood in Sunderland. He became a self-taught artist mainly painting landscapes. He was friends with John Atkinson and shared his partiality for animal subjects, particularly in rural settings.
Artwork Tags: Animal | Impressionist | Landscape | Northumbrian | Watercolour
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Gallery opening times
Tue 10:30am-4:30pm
Thu - Fri 10:30am - 4:30pm
Sat. 10:30am - 5pm
Sun. 12noon - 4pm
Mon. Closed/ Wed. Closed
The Wallington Gallery, Bishops Yard, Corbridge, Northumberland. NE45 5LA
Telephone: 01434 633 663
Mobile: 07572 684189
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