The life story of Tom Keating is an intriguing one. Tom was born in Lewisham in London. After serving in world war 2, he trained at Goldsmiths College, London. He went on to work for art restorers, including the revered Hahn Brothers in Mayfair. The skills he learned there was to stand him in good stead, and he started to paint in the style of established artist, especially Samuel Palmer. He found himself painting works purporting to be by established and often famous artists which found a ready market in the auction houses.
In 1970, suspicions began to be aroused, which eventually resulted in his arrest and before he came to trial in 1979, he was severly injured in a motorcycle accident which resulted in the charges against him being dropped. His health made a rapid improvement form then on. The case was widely reported across the world and he made numerous television appearances and in 1977, he published his autobiography, 'The Fake's Progress'.
There is much information on the internet about Tom Keating and his forging has been covered in other books and films.